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soy hulls pellets

For ruminant feeds, this highly digestible fibre and energy source provides valuable supplemental benefits to forage based diets

Soy Hulls are a valuable by-product of soybean oil and Soybean Meal production. Consisting largely of the skin which covers Soybeans, they do not generally need any further processing to feed, and are a very cost effective animal feed. 
The fibre in Soy Hulls is rapidly fermented, sharing many benefits of Corn with a low lignin content and very high digestibility.  Together with a low non-structural carbohydrate content makes this product a very good energy and fibre source.  Soy Hulls can therefore be considered an energy rich concentrate as well as a roughage.
For ruminant feeds, this highly digestible fibre and energy source provides valuable supplemental benefits to forage based diets.  The high palatability of Soy Hulls means that they can be used without major restrictions in properly formulated beef and dairy rations.  In an overall feed mix, Soy Hulls can be used to replace part of the forage (providing higher energy without causing acidosis) or part of the energy rich concentrates. 
Soy Hulls are often not included in pig, polutry or fish diets due to their high fibre content.
For determining the required feed mix for the growth stage of the target animal, a qualified animal nutritionist should be consulted.
Please contact us for specifications and pricing.



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