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grains & oilseeds - soybeans

Soybeans originated from China and are now the ​​largest oilseed crop, with US, Brazil, Argentina, China and India being the main producers.

The feed ingredients we trade in are as follows:-​



Feed Wheat

Feed Barley


Canola Seeds


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Soybeans are normally harvested for the production of Soybean Oil and by-product Soybean Meal which is a significant and cheap source of protein for animal feeds.

However Soybeans can be used directly in animal feed, after being ground and heated to remove antinutritional factors and to increase the proportion of bypass proteins when fed to ruminants.
For ruminants feeds, Soybeans are a good source of protein and energy as well as being highly digestible, with the high rumen degradability being lowered through heat treatment.
For pig diets, Soybeans are a major ingredient of the overall feed mix.  After processing to remove antinutritional factors, Soybeans can be fed to pigs without safety limits, providing a higher energy content than Soybean Meal.
Four poultry feeds, Soybeans can be included in the feed mix after being heat treated to destroy trypsin inhibitors. 
For fish feeds, processed Soybeans have been shown to improve fish growth performance for various species when compared to a diet of Soybean Meal.
For determining the required feed mix for the growth stage of the target animal or fish species, a qualified animal nutritionist should be consulted.
Please contact us for specifications and pricing.
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